It has been many months, indeed, four years or so since I added to my blog. It started with a bang and then went dormant. There are many excuses: health, family, and the distraction of national politics. All of the stories inside these excuses could filled manuscripts.  But they’ve gone unrecorded, undocumented, and/or frankly, completed by others with a better general grip on personal, political, environmental, and health issues.

I have many subjects and issues that I could write about. But I’m ADHD! Focus!!

Subjects for essays, national and local events, public and private foibles, occurrences, happenings, etc. float up like lazy ducks from life in the Beehive state. I will take shots at some of these. For this reboot, I hope to post regularly and pick subjects that could have long-term consequences or have been hiding in plain view. Much of the low hanging fruit is plucked and re-plucked on social media. Why retry them on this podium? It takes too much time to fact check much of what I see and read on those platforms, however, some of the social media posts have some merit, some depth, and may be subjects for further scrutiny.

If there are any subjects or ideas for posts that you would like for me to tackle please email me.

The new journey begins!