The Home Page of a blog, as I'm advised, is to outline what I'll be writing about.
Answer: "I don't know what I'll be writing about, I'm ADHD!"
My attention span is like the ball bouncing on a Roulette wheel; dozens of possible landing slots which is why Roulette--I was told by a owner of a casino--has the second worst odds in the house. Should I write about Roulette or the function of randomness (Chaos Theory) in our lives?
Slightly shorter answer: I will write about my grandchildren, politics, environmental issues, the complexity and delicacy of environmental systems, human interaction, how I would change the political system, bird watching, fly fishing, bicycling, assuming responsibility for my actions and deeds, dreams of running, why I think my therapist doesn't want to tell me that he thinks I'm bat-shit crazy. . . . .ad nauseam!
I might post chapters from two manuscripts I'm working on.
But I will use words, composites of individual symbols and what can appear to be random marks. Symbols used to describe an object or feeling can be puzzling, as illustrated in the sidebar photo. This blog is about the importance of words in my life and the importance of words in the exchange of ideas, rational or irrational, feelings, angst, love, stories about my grandchildren. The composite symbols may be out of order in my musing. Forgive me, English was a third language.
Feel free to share your ideas with me. I ask that you keep it civil. You can't call me anything I haven't used to describe myself or that haven't been assigned to me by others!!
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Thanks I hope you enjoy it.
Newspaper Rock Southeastern Utah
Welcome Back
I’ve awakened from my intellectual slumber!
Earlier posts: Left in Utah Blog Posts
The day after the 2016 election, the country woke to huzzas for Trump and long lines to fill prescriptions for anxiety and depression.